“Well, Penny… if it’s not something incredibly smart, at least is not a stupid thing to say!”
It’s been a looong time since my last update… I really can’t promise anything, but I’ll try to bemore active in the near future!
“Well, Penny… if it’s not something incredibly smart, at least is not a stupid thing to say!”
It’s been a looong time since my last update… I really can’t promise anything, but I’ll try to bemore active in the near future!
ULULA by Emanuele Taglietti
“Once upon a time, many many years ago, there was an obscure realm populating dark corners all over Europe. Diabolic female creature dwelled men’s thoughts and savvy and greedy women’s minds, wormed their way into the gloomy clefts of homes, living rooms and barbershops. Their names are carved on the dusty tombstones of memory: shameless vampires, dead lovers, devil’s daughters, lewd witches and afterlife whores are about to reawaken to please your darkest and sinful cravings. Only your insatiable luxury, your perfect fetishism, will be able to revive them from the oblivion where they fell, in a deep sleep, shrouded in the fog of the infernal abyss. Which spell will reawaken their sweet cold limbs? Which occult desire could bring them back to life?”.
Want to see this project come true? Help Annexia to found it supporting its crowdfunding on Indiegogo.
Jun 11, 2013 | Penny model |
Jul 26, 2013 | A rosy future |
A new homage to Penny Rogers came today from talented italian artist Roberto “Dakar” Meli.
He sketched himself while “flirting” with our heroine…
Oct 1, 2013 | Penny’s Hot Sahara Day (by cluedog) |
Apr 11, 2013 | Make YOUR OWN Penny! |
Aug 5, 2013 | Penny by Andrew Munger (2) |
Apr 16, 2013 | Penny by Andrew Munger |
Ecco qui la versione sfogliabile del prologo alle avventure di Penny Rogers, copiata direttamente dalle pagine del suo vecchio diario ed arricchita di nuovi contenuti.
Potete leggerla online su issuu seguendo il link qui sotto o scaricarla sul vostro hard disk.
Buona lettura e… buon viaggio!
This is the edited version of Penny’s prologue, copied directly from her old diary’s pages and enriched with many new contents.
You can read it online following the link above or download it on your own device.
It is only available in italian language, for now. English and spanish versions will come soon!
Per gli amici che saranno presenti a Lucca Comics & Games da domani giovedì 31 a sabato 2: Penny sarà in incognito, farsi vedere da tanta gente la mette in imbarazzo… il suo autore invece potrete trovarlo allo stand di Renoir Comics per le dediche al nuovissimo volume di Padre Brown (già che ci siete dategli un’occhiata).
Niente disegni di Penny quindi – a meno di non beccarlo fuori orario e in un momento di estasi creativa – ma su richiesta saranno disponibili set di cartoline firmate e spillette della nostra eroina!
Fatevi avanti!
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